For all systems: contact me (j.j.vanderHeijden at for pics or
15-may-2011: all Onyx2's are sold.
Many Origin2000 / Onyx2 parts for sale. Everything tested and good.
- Dual 400MHz R12000 PIMM only!
- GE16-4 Geometry engines. sold
- RM9 Raster managers. sold
- DG5-2/GVO (DG5 with two display channels and frame synchronous SDI video
- DG5-8 (Remark: channel #7 is broken, so this one fails 'irsaudit',
otherwise good). sold
- DIVO cards (dual channel SDI input/output)
- IO6-G's: base + multimedia IO board
- L1 system controlers
- Null-router boards
- Fan trays. sold
- Power supplies
- Backplanes
- Harddisks and sleds
- RAM: 256MB kits and 512MB kits
Many Indy/Indigo/Indigo2 spares available. Contact me for details.
- Crimson CPU boards (IP17), 100MHz R4000: 50 EUR, or two for 75EUR
- CPU's
- Memory kits for O2: 256MB in 8x 32MB DIMM's
- Memory for Indigo2, Indy or Indigo
- Disk sleds
- SCSI CD-ROM's, internal or external
- etc. etc.

Rackmount Onyx2 (front)

Rackmount Onyx2 (back)